Well the big day arrived and he is already one week old! Blaine Butler Tucker was born on May 22 at 2:03 pm weighing 7 pounds, 13.5 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long. He is a perfect, healthy, adorable little boy. His birth story is much less stressful and more relaxed than his brother Bryce. Since I couldn't eat anything 8 hours before my c-section, I set my alarm for 4:30 am and woke up and had a little feast early in the morning on May 22. Mom came and picked up Bryce in the morning and Shane and I headed to the hospital at 10:00 am. We got there, checked in, and were in triage where they stuck me four times to get my IV in. I actually still have bruises from it. My doctor was running a little late, so we were just kind of hanging out in the room when I heard Bryce's little voice. We were able to see him, mom, dad, Jenn, and Joel before I went in for surgery. I was then wheeled into the delivery room where the anesthesiologist gave me a spinal and I was soon numb from the chest down. Shane then came into the delivery room where he held my hand and we waited to see boy or girl. I wasn't shaking this time, and didn't throw up this time, so it was much better. I was able to relax and actually talk to Shane and enjoy the birth. The doctor held him up over the curtain and Shane declared, "Definitely a boy!" He started to cry right away and we were both so happy! While they stitched me back up, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Another boy, oh boy! While I was in recovery, Shane went with the nurse to introduce him to the family. I love the series of pictures in the hallway. So precious!

Look at that face!
Meeting his brother for the first time!
Watching him in the nursery
So sweet!