Tuesday, April 14, 2015

5 kids are sleeping...what?

Ok it's 1:22 pm and I'm not sure how much time I have but I thought I would type a quick update while all 5 kids are napping.

Wait, did I just say 5 kids? Yep, yep I did. Kinda tooting my own horn here but wouldn't you?

I started watching the Swanson girls last week, and so far it is going pretty good. Karina is only 2 months old and such a good baby, thank goodness! Bianca plays so good with the other kids, they all kind of entertain each other. I am definitely tired at the end of the day but I feel so lucky that I get to stay home with my babies and a few other babies too.

Our current laptop is not letting me update pictures to the blog for some reason, grrr, so frustrating. So I have been borrowing mom and dad's whenever I get a chance. I have some really great pictures from Easter that I need to put up.  So check back soon.

Let's see a few updates: Blaine has decided to boycott his morning nap and only take an afternoon nap (but still sleeps 7 to 7 so no complaining here) and eats only the food everyone else eats and insists on feeding himself. This makes meal time easier but a whole lot more messy. He is pulling himself up to everything and walks along the couch. His favorite thing to do right now is let go and stand on his own for a few seconds before falling on his butt. He especially likes to do this in his crib where his landing is softer (ya know during his morning nap time usually).

Bryce is talking so much and says the funniest things. He is always listening and really takes everything in. He is currently going through a bit of a stubborn stage (let's hope it's a stage). He no longer lets us cut his hair, he holds in his poop (which has been fun, sorry if that's TMI), and sometimes decides to not take a nap at all. But overall still a fun little guy who seriously loves his daddy! We are starting a mommy and me swim class tonight so we shall see how that goes!

Oh shoot, I hear crying. So until next time!

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