Bryce is getting so big. He is talking more and more and understands so much of what we say to him. We have even started spelling words around him when we don't want him to know what we are saying. He is getting so good at using utensils and drinking from a cup. He is always daddy's little helper and loves to help mommy make dinner.
Hiding in the bathroom closet, saying "cheese"
When Papa Bill and Daddy were working on the new bathroom, they were underneath the floor in the crawl space. He kept yelling, "Papa, papa, daddy, daddy!"
He even yelled at them when they weren't even down there
Using his silverware
What a big boy!
This is his new favorite thing to do. He puts a bunch of toys in his crib and then wants inside. He will sit in there and play for a long time.
At least I know where he is when he does this
What a silly boy!