Shane finally said yes to outside lights! He bought some on amazon and hung them up on Thanksgiving. They are so pretty and they have different settings that are controlled by a little remote. We went for a little drive last night to see how they looked. I tried to take some pictures but they didn't turn out too good. I'll have to try again with my phone.
So Nannie bought us this cute Candyland themed gingerbread house kit last year that we never opened. We talked about going to see the Kewanee Christmas lights last night, but they aren't on yet, so we decided to decorate the gingerbread house instead. It was all going okay until we tried to attach the roof together. We thought we had it, but it just kept slowly sliding down. They still had a great time decorating it, and Ali was super into it! It was fun while it lasted, but it is now in the trash!