Well Bryce survived his first Halloween, just barely! I decided to make his costume, with a little help from Grandma Diane and her sewing machine, and it turned out so cute! His little hat was a little too big, but it looked so cute on him. We started the day by going to my Kindergarten classroom party at 2:30. The kids were so cute and so excited to see Bryce! Bryce had a good time until he became hungry, and then he screamed and screamed and screamed! The whole building knew that Liz and Bryce came to visit! He was definitely one VERY HUNGRY caterpillar! Once he got some food, he was much happier and even showed off his cute little smile. We then left Henry and headed to Billtown. We stopped at Grandma Bev's house, then Grandpa Bill and Grammy Gale's house, and finally Uncle Brett and Aunt Jolene's house. By the time we got to Brett and Jo's, he was one very crabby and very tired caterpillar. We then headed to Oneida where we stayed at my parents house for the night. He was so exhausted that he slept 10 hours that night! Needless to say, because of our crazy busy day, I did not get one picture of our adventures. The next day I dressed him up again and got some great pictures! He was in a much better mood after a full night's sleep!

The only two pictures I got on Halloween!
The next morning, one happy caterpillar!
The very hungry caterpillar and the butterfly!
Cousin Jayla came to Grandma Diane's the next morning to show off her costume too!
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