It took me a long time to figure out what Bryce was going to be for Halloween. He still drools like crazy so I knew that whatever outfit we put him in would have to have a bib with it. Since his favorite word after "papa" is "tractor", it seemed fitting that we should dress him up as a farmer. I then found a really cute idea on pinterest to make a tractor that would fit around him so it looks like he is driving a tractor. It was suppose to look something like this:
But ended up looking like this:
He ripped the smoke stack off right away, and I'm pretty sure it looks more like a car than a tractor. Oh well, good try!
Uh, dad what is she going to do to me?
Okay, I don't think this is going well
And then this happened, so we were done with the tractor for the night!
Excited about his coin dollar from Great Grandma D and Great Grandpa Carl
Putting it in his pumpkin and listening to the fun sound it makes
Alright now I'm just gonna chew on it
We made about four stops and finally made it to Brett and Jo's. Hayden and Izzy had been into the candy a little bit!
Silly kids!
Bryce goes right to the toys
Best buddies
Izzy loves her some Bryce