Thursday, May 21, 2015

Swim Class

During the months of April and May, we signed Bryce up for a Learn to Swim class at the Hawthorne pool in Galesburg on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It's a mommy and me class where we sing songs and work on basic swim principals like kick, reach and pull, and swimming on their belly and backs. Bryce loves it and has so much fun. Jake is in the class too! Daddy brought the camera one night last week and of course took like 200 pictures. Here are only a few.

Singing Humpty Dumpty and then jumping off the side

I wonder what we are talking about

Doing the exit drill

He gets so goofy during some of the songs.

Singing a song where they have to pop out of the water a certain number of times!

We do a dunk circle where everyone takes a turn and goes under water. Here is Jake going underwater. Bryce has only done it two times. Here he is freaking out and shouting "no."

Working on reach and pull

We throw a toy and he has to "swim" to go get it.

Poor Blaine wasn't feeling well on this night

Jake and Bryce always want eachothers toys.

All he wanted to do was snuggle with papa

This was later that night. He just wanted to snuggle. It reminded me of when he was a newborn, awww!


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