Since this quarantine started on March 14, we have not been "stuck at home" we have been "safe at home." I read that somewhere on Facebook, and it really resonated with me. Our annual plans to go to Stoney Creek Inn for the state basketball tournament got cancelled, my school carnival got cancelled, Easter celebrations were cancelled, and as of yesterday the rest of the school year cancelled. Although, it was inevitable, and a good decision by the state, it is still heartbreaking. My boys will never get to finish Second Grade and Kindergarten. I never got to say goodbye to my students! It was simply, "Have a good weekend." Although it has been truly awful for some, our experience has been pretty great so far. We have loved being home as a family. We have played farmopoly about 20 times (not even an exaggeration), spent a lot of time playing outside, caught a groundhog that was digging up papa's shed, went on an eagle hunt, played with legos for hours on end, played in the snow one last time this year, had several movie nights, and we even spent 2 nights in a sleepover in the living room. The kids have played so well together and our house is in a constant state of "messy." Bryce has done great with remote learning and needs little help from us. Blaine on the other hand, can be pretty stubborn and quite the challenge. It's crazy that I can teach an entire class of 20 students, and I can't get my own Kindergarten student to complete his daily handwriting sheet! Here's a few pictures of our life at home so far. Stay tuned for part 2!

I have a lot of pictures of Blaine completing his work because I have to send pictures to his teacher everyday!
They learned all about storms and he had to make "a storm safety box." It was hilarious watching him run around the house and put things in it. It has candles, flashlights, water, blankets, paper, crayons, and a lot of snacks! Also on his list was a heat lamp!
Losing to daddy at one of our many games of farm-opoly!
We had so much fun all sleeping downstairs!
Going on an eagle hunt (we did not see any eagles, but we did see an eagle nest, a fox and a lot of other birds)
In Bryce's P.E. class, they have different clubs to see who can run for a certain number of minutes. At school he is in the 9 minute club. Meaning, he can run for 9 minutes straight. Bryce and daddy went outside and now he's in the 10 minute club! We sent this picture to Mrs. Clark, his P.E. teacher.
We've had a groundhog out by papa's shed that has been digging everywhere. Shane set up a trap and finally caught it. Papa and Dane relocated it down the road!
We got a bunch of snow yesterday and the boys were challenged by their school to make a snowman. We decided to make a tractor, a pig, Olaf, and a farmer. It was great packing snow and they had so much fun. Papa even took them for a ride on their sled behind his 4-wheeler.