Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Blaine's Trip to Milwaukee

 We just got back from an incredible trip with Blaine Butler. We are doing individual trips with our kids and Blaine was up first. We traveled to Milwaukee to take him to his first Bucks game. We also visited a very cool museum and planatarium while we were there and had fun at the hotel pool and game room. It was seriously so much fun and it brought us so much joy to watch him living his best life! The pictures are sort of out of order but we got to the hotel on Friday night around 8:30. We hung out in the hotel and went to sleep. Blaine and daddy woke up early on Saturday morning and walked the long mile trek to get us all Dunkin Donuts. It was very cold and Blaine decided that on Sunday he would let daddy make the long trip on his own so he could stay in the cozy hotel room. Once they got back on Saturday we hung around the hotel for a little bit and then headed out to do a little shopping. We went to TJ Max and then out to eat a restaurant called Uncle Buck's. We then headed to the Milwaukee Public Museum and Planetarium. It was so much fun and Blaine was in heaven! We then headed back to hotel to get ready to go to the game which started at 7. We got there shortly after 5 because we thought the doors would open at 5:30 but they didn't actually open until a little before 6. It was pretty cold and windy standing outside the doors but we were only 4th in line and Blaine was so excited! After a little trouble showing our tickets through daddy's phone, we were able to get our free pair of Bucks mittens and headed up to our seats. On our way, we found this fun little stand where people could make their own sign to hold up during the game. We got something to eat, found our seats, and enjoyed the game. It was so much fun to watch Blaine during the game. He alternated between holding up his sign and swinging around his rally rag. He was so into it and they did a great job at entertaining the crowd by doing lots of Christmas games such as This or That, Finish the Lyrics, Blurred Out Movie Scenes, Character Look Alikes, and Christmas karaoke. They also had a really great halftime show with the Rim Rockers which were his favorite. They were a group of guys that used trampolines and mats to make super impressive flips and dunks. They even came out in the 4th quarter in Santa suits. It was such a fun trip and I am so glad that we were able to make it happen!

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