Friday, June 28, 2024

White Sox Game

This past Monday, June 24th, we went to a White Sox Game in Chicago. Our high school principal, Mr. Rees is a big White Sox fan and every year he gets these good grade coupons for free or reduced tickets to certain games. This game worked with our schedule so we booked it! Nannie went us and we took off Monday and stayed for one night at the hotel and left Tuesday morning. Blaine and Ali were able to swim in the hotel pool before the game, we enjoyed some yummy ballpark food, and even made it on the jumbo tron for the first time! 

Orpheum Theatre

 We have been to the Orpheum Theatre for several events this year. We went to see The Music Man, The Choral Dynamics pirate show, and 2 Throwback Thursday movies (Madagascar and Happy Feet.) 

Bingo Palooza and Ali's Field Trip

 We enjoyed another night of Bingo at the school on April 18th. This year there were several prizes donated by Dick Blick. We came home with some pretty cool stuff! The next day on April 19th, I got to be a chaperone for Ali's Field trip to The Family Museum in the Cities. I was in charge of a group of 4 First Graders. After the museum we ate lunch and played at a local park. This was the first time I have ever gotten a chance to be a chaperone and I had a great time! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blaine's Birthday

 On Saturday, May 18th we celebrated Blaine's birthday at our house with a family party. He wanted the theme to be basketball and then he wanted to play baseball in the front yard. He decorated the garage all by himself and it was so cute to watch him bring down basketball items from his room and display them in the garage. It was a fun afternoon, and then after the party we headed to Billtown for Lewis' graduation party. On his actual birthday, he woke up a little earlier than usual to open presents before he went to school. He is really into NBA team hats so that's what we got him this year. He also used some of his money that he received from his party and bought a few things at Dick's World of Sports. We can't believe our sweet little Blainer Boy is 10 years old!