Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Quotes From Kindergartners!

Being a Kindergarten teacher is a rewarding, challenging, entertaining, and exhausting job, but I love it! Everyday is different, and everyday comes with an enormous amount of hilarious quotes. Sometimes I wish I could just sit and listen to them talk all day long and not worry about teaching. Let's be honest, some days that's all I do! When I first started teaching, I started to write the funny quotes down, because I was determined to write a book someday. Maybe I still will! Here are a few of my favorites from this school year:

* Student #4 loves to sing. One day when we were getting ready to go home, he randomly starting singing, "Smack that, get on the floor, Smack that, I want some more!" Another day we belted out, "I knew you were trouble when you walked in!"

*Student #9 loves the gangnam style dance. There is not a day that goes by where he is not doing that dance down the whole hallway. He also thinks it's hilarious to smack his butt with both hands and jump up and down.

* Student #15 told me one day last week that she really wants a horse for Christmas. I told her that a horse needs a lot of room and I asked her where she would put it? She replied, "Well, we can just move the garage."

*Student #5 cannot says his T's, so all day long when he has a question he says, "Ms. Ucker?"

* I noticed that Student #3 had his pants on backwards so I approached him in the hallway on our way to the restroom. I told him to take them all the way off and put them on the right way. He preceded to drop his pants right in the middle of the hallway.

*Student #8 is hilarious. I have many quotes from him. He was telling me that his family stayed in a hotel for the weekend and he got to sleep in a big bed while his dad slept on the floor. I asked how did you manage that? He replied, "Only I paid my dad like $900." The same student was showing me his hat that his grandma knit for him. I said, "What a talented lady!" He then whispered to me, "Only she's pretty old." I asked, "How old?" He replied, "Like 25." I overhead this same student tell his classmates at his table, "You guys, I heard on TV that there is this astronaut that is falling from the sky at like 29 feet." To which all of them replied, "Ohhhh!"

Stay tuned, I'm sure there will be plenty more!

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