Bryce is 19 months old today! I can't believe it. He is so much fun and is developing quite the little personality. He loves to run circles through our house, which is something I did in this house when I was little. He is a good little eater and sleeps from 8 pm to 6 am. There are some nights that he gets his blanket, says "nigh nigh," and goes up to his room on this own. We say a prayer and lay him down and he doesn't make a sound. We are very spoiled. He is so easy. Everybody says, "Wait until this next one." For now, we are just enjoying our little boy. He is also talking all the time and can say the following words: nigh nigh (blanket), noo noo (juice), ball, cheese, whoa, baby, eyes, nose, Mama, Dada, Papa, Mamaw (Grandma), tractor, kitty, choo choo (train), and Luna (mom and dad's dog). He also says other words, but we can't understand it all yet. He can also make the following animal sounds: cow, horse, and snake (random I know). He also likes to wrestle with daddy, head butt mommy, and bite Cooper (a boy at mom's daycare). Yikes!

He loves to help me clean
Finally, (after 16 months) he no longer has to wear a bib all the time
Such a little ham
He loves to take our phones and say "cheese!" like he's taking a picture
He loves his nigh nigh, laying on the couch or in daddy's chair, and watching ball
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