Friday, February 13, 2015

Quotes from Bryce

Our little Bryce is so funny and has quite the personality. He is talking so much and repeats everything we say. He is also starting to put sentences together and remembers everything daddy tells him. Here are some quotes and funny stories from our little man:

*"Bryce do you want some cereal or not?" Bryce: "Not!"
*"What does a dog say?" Bryce: "BARK!"
*He pokes your nose and says, "Beep, beep"
*One day after lunch I was putting dishes in the dishwasher and Bryce had pulled his chair up to Blaine's high chair and was making a fist and saying, "Knucks, knucks." He wanted Blaine to hit knuckles with him.
*A few weeks ago we saw a random mouse in the house in the morning before Shane left for work. He set up a mouse trap under the desk in the kitchen and left for work. We saw the mouse again a few days later under the diaper genie, dead, thank goodness. But, we forgot about the mousetrap. Bryce was playing with his tractors on the floor, of course, and must have been curious about the trap. He stuck his hand on it, and BAM! I bet he won't do that again.
*He loves to use the word weird.
*Instead of saying no thank you when he doesn't want something, he says, "Thank you, no."

I am sure there are more, but these are the ones I can remember. I am sure there will be more to come!

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