Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Funny Stories and Quotes from 2015

Four years ago, I started a "Tell Me Something Good" journal. I started writing down stories and quotes from the boys when I was a stay-at-home mom and had my home daycare. My plan was to add stories every couple of months as a way to document and remember my time with them. Somehow my kids got a hold of it and decided to add their own drawings and marks to it. I decided to write them down on our blog instead and hopefully add to it each year. Some of them might sound silly to you, others might be too much information, but to me, at each particular moment, they meant something.

March 19, 2015
On this particular day Lyla had gotten sick all over. Blaine was having really bad blow-out diapers and Bryce had just spilled his milk at the kitchen table just as I sat down to eat. After I got everything cleaned up, Bryce leaned his head on my shoulder and said, "Mommy, you cute."

March 23, 2015
Bryce picked up his toys the second I asked him to! I only said it one time! So he does hear me!

March 24, 2015
I just got done reading the book called, "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio. At the very end there are some quotes and I want to remember my favorites.
"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." Dr. Wayne W. Dryer
"Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much." Blaise Pascal
"To thine own self be true." Hamlet, Shakespeare
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." John Wesley's Rule
In the authors acknowledges at the end of the book she wrote, "Thank you to my amazing sons for all the joy you bring me and for always choosing "kind." You are my wonders. I am grateful everyday. This explains how I feel about Bryce and Blaine.

March 26, 2015
I survived my first day watching five kids: Bryce (2.5), Lyla (1.5), Bianca (1.5), Blaine (10 months), and Karina (7 weeks). Yeesh! I even got them all to sleep at the same time for about an hour and a half until Karina woke up. I texted Shane and said, "I kinda feel like a rock star!"

April 7, 2015
Earlier in the day I promised Bryce that we would eat m&ms while we watched Mickey before bed but we forgot. While he was brushing his teeth he said, "M&ms eat, shoot." We then decided to eat m&ms and then come back and finish brushing our teeth. This same day I asked him to bring his plate to the sink after lunch and he said, "NO." I said, "Are you suppose to tell mommy no?" He then said, "Thank you, no thank you."

Sunday, April 19, 2015
The boys stayed at Nannie's last night and fell asleep on the way home so Bryce did not take his normal afternoon nap. While daddy was working on our new kitchen table, Bryce was laying with me on the couch watching TV and cuddling. He kept kissing me and saying, "love you mommy, miss you mommy." We were then going over body parts and pointing to them: ears, nose, lips, chin, etc. He said, "weiner, mommy no weiner, awe." It was like he felt sorry for me!

Tuesday, April 4, 2015
Every night when it's time to go to bed, Shane and I lay in bed with Bryce and say our goodnight prayer and then he chooses one of us to "talk about our day." We lay there and he plays with my hair as we go over the events of the day. What a special time with my little man that I will miss terribly one day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
We are potty training Bryce with little luck so we are trying everything we can possibly think of. Tonight we put cheerios in the toilet to try and get Bryce to pee on them. Blaine came over, reached in, and tried to eat the cheerios right out of the toilet.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
We are trying to get Bryce to use the potty and every time we ask him when he's going to start wearing underwear instead of diapers, his response is always, "Tuesday." And then Tuesday comes around and he still says Tuesday.

Monday, August 31, 2015
Bryce was playing in our bed and was trying to get under our sheets with little success. He kept saying, "How you do dis (this)?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Bryce got a little stomach bug today and had a fever when he woke up from his nap. He then started to throw up a few times and through his tears he kept saying, "Not anymore, not anymore." It just broke my heart.

Friday, October 9, 2015
While hauling two of his toy wagons, I asked him if they were staying hooked together. He replied, "Not really much." On this same day, we were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before naps and it was an underwater one and Biance kept saying, "Bubbles, bubbles" over and over again. Bryce was getting very annoyed and kept repeating, "Anca (Bianca) not say bubbles no more."

Saturday, October 11, 2015
Daddy and Bryce were helping papa with harvest all day. Bryce loved to ride in the tractor with daddy and unload the corn. At the end of the day papa asked Bryce how many loads they hauled in and Bryce simply replied, "All of them."

Saturday, November 4, 2015
We've been having trouble with Bryce pooping consistently again, or still, or whatever you want to say. Daddy was talking to Bryce about how we are going to take him to the poop doctor in Peoria so he can help Bryce with his poop problems and Bryce said to daddy, "So he can teach me how to use my butt."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Blaine Butler can be so crazy and dramatic, but also so sweet. Today, he grabbed my face and kissed me 3 times which is unusual for him. He only consistently kisses Bryce.

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Today the boys and I went to Mark and Patty Compton's house for our annual Christmas cookie exchange and we had a great time. There were 11 kids there! It was an unusually warm out for December and Bryce was walking around outside instead of getting in the car like I asked him to. I started counting to 3 and he said, "Mommy, Bryce coming. What's the big deal?" And he threw his hands up in the air. It was hilarious and a nice little lesson for me about enjoying the little things.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
We went to daddy's game tonight in Kewanee. I had the boys all buckled into their car seats but I forgot their nigh-nighs. I ran back inside to get them and when I came back out Bryce said, "Bryce just talking to Blaine bout his day, but Blaine not say anything." Whenever we drive at night he always says, "So dark out, Bryce can't see anything." I love when he used to talk in third person.

That's all for 2015, stay tuned for 2016!

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