Wednesday, December 5, 2012

10 Things I've Learned...

I thought since this is a blog, I will actually try blogging instead of just putting captions under pictures of my son. :) I was just thinking how much has changed in our lives since we have had Bryce. All for the better of course!

10 Things you learn when you become a mom:
-Nothing grosses you out anymore
-Your conversations with your husband drastically change and it is amazing how often the word poop enters your daily vocabulary
-You never stop worrying about your child even if he is just sleeping upstairs
- You now consider staying up until ten to be a “late night”
- Everyday is a surprise
-You now consider taking a shower to be a luxury
-You believe in love at first sight
-You can have the most wonderful conversation with your child using no words at all
-You have a new respect for your own parents
-Your life now revolves around your child, and you wouldn’t have it any other way

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